Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tomato Time Capsule

I won't pretend that the arrival of colder weather makes me happy. I enjoy certain elements of fall, like the sound of walking down brick sidewalks covered in leaves, the clearness of the atmosphere from the lack of hazy humidity, the moody slate blue sky that appears against brilliantly colored trees, and let's not forget fresh apple cider, pumpkin flavored everything, and campfires. But, really, fall depresses me.

It's a harbinger of the cold starkness to come. And indication that we need to gather and prepare for the long months ahead. I hate the shortened days, and the angle of the sun. I despise how much longer it takes me to go anywhere because I have to pile on more cumbersome clothes, and then trudge through inches of snow to clean off my car, and then wait fifteen minutes for it to warm up. And winter is a total party pooper/plan ruiner. Oh, and don't even think of wearing any suede item! I can think of one good thing about winter and it's this: You can leave your restaurant leftovers in the car, without them spoiling if you're not going straight home.

So, in lustful remembrance of this past summer, I've posted an image of the jars of tomatoes that my mom and I canned together in August.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What A Bunch Of Weenies

Cherry turnovers made by my cousin Tracy
My aunt's Paw Paw Passion Bars
My mom's blue ribbon winning chocolate and brown sugar frosting bars

My slaw with olive oil and sunflower seeds
Last Sunday was the annual family weenie roast, and a more beautiful day could not have been had. We've been on a good weather streak the past few years. Let's hope it keeps up! Lots of family members (from both sides) came bearing lots of scrumptious vittles, which made overeating all too easy; maybe even obligatory, considering the deliciousness that prevailed. And my sister, the Firemaster, crafted yet another perfect hot dog inferno. And, I would've included a pic of my sister and Jim's garlic salad, but it was already dessimated by the time I got around to taking pictures. Boy was it gooooood.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Drip Dry

While mindlessly watching tv tonight, I noticed a lovely diamond pattern on a dish towel in the background of the show I was watching. I love diamond shapes, and felt inspired to make this little number.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, a week or so ago I had an echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of the heart. I wasn't really prepared for how seeing my beating heart on a screen would make me feel. All I could think of while seeing my heart was how amazing this muscle is. It never rests. Never. If it does, we're goners. Then I started thinking about all the abuse it takes. Bad food, pollution, sedentary lifestyles, weight gain. Seeing it working so hard to keep little, old me alive made me want to take better care of it. It also made me want to make this poster.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Say ya to da U.P, eh?

I've been traveling to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for summer vacations for a long time. Last week I returned from my quadrillianth summer trip there. Somehow it never gets old. Perhaps it's because of the wildness, or the coolness of the air which makes a lovely respite from the swelter of the humid Ohio heat. Perhaps it's the lakes that seem like oceans, and the lore of the people who lived and perished on the lakes. Maybe it's the lack of Starbucks, and the abundance of cherries, or the fact that you can still dine in a supper club. You should go. But please, keep this on the down low. We don't want the masses to be wise to this vacation gem. Crowds would spoil the effect.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Days of Fun

The days are drawing nearer. You know, the days of smelling deep fried Snickers bars on a gentle breeze, viewing prize winning zucchini's in the arts and crafts building, watching demolition derby's in the bandstand...yep, summer fair time will be here in the blink of an eye! Here's the poster I designed for the 2011 Alexandria Fun Days. It's a small fair in an even smaller town, but it is very close to my heart.