Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, a week or so ago I had an echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of the heart. I wasn't really prepared for how seeing my beating heart on a screen would make me feel. All I could think of while seeing my heart was how amazing this muscle is. It never rests. Never. If it does, we're goners. Then I started thinking about all the abuse it takes. Bad food, pollution, sedentary lifestyles, weight gain. Seeing it working so hard to keep little, old me alive made me want to take better care of it. It also made me want to make this poster.


  1. I had that done during a stress test before we knew one another. It really is amazing to see it on screen. If you ever want to go running together let me know :)

  2. Thanks Jennifer!

    JD, I would run with you, but I don't run...and you live in Cincinnati.
